January 31, 2006

The First Lemming

From Robert Spencer's Dhimmiwatch:
Bill Clinton, former President and future First Husband, condemns freedom of speech. From AFP, with thanks to MB:
Former US president Bill Clinton warned of rising anti-Islamic prejudice, comparing it to historic anti-Semitism as he condemned the publishing of cartoons depicting Prophet Mohammed in a Danish newspaper.

"So now what are we going to do? ... Replace the anti-Semitic prejudice with anti-Islamic prejudice?" he said at an economic conference in the Qatari capital of Doha.
"In Europe, most of the struggles we've had in the past 50 years have been to fight prejudices against Jews, to fight against anti-Semitism," he said.

Clinton described as "appalling" the 12 cartoons published in a Danish newspaper in September depicting Prophet Mohammed and causing uproar in the Muslim world.

"None of us are totally free of stereotypes about people of different races, different ethnic groups, and different religions ... there was this appalling example in northern Europe, in Denmark ... these totally outrageous cartoons against Islam," he said.
That's not the point. This is a question of being able to say something that Bill Clinton finds outrageous. These cartoons may be totally outrageous indeed. But if we cannot speak openly about Islamic militancy, we cannot combat it. And freedom of speech is certainly dead.
Posted by Robert at January 30, 2006 11:49 AM Print this entry
This is so incredible, it made me speechless for an unusual 5 seconds. I mean that guy is so unprincipled, even to LOOK at his phonily-benign, simpering face makes one squirm with embarrassment.

That is the guy who callously abused human life to win brownie points with the public as a "hardliner on crime". (Something for which George Dubbya has been crucified in the media, and rightfully so by the way, but that is not the issue here.)

The guy, who didn't even have the good grace to book a hotel room for his romps with that fat little whore and thus turned the Oval Office, the workplace of the most powerful man in the world and main defender of Western values, into "Oral Office" and the laughing stock of the world.

Well, his take on Western values hasn't changed much:

"So now what are we going to do? ... Replace the anti-Semitic prejudice with anti-Islamic prejudice?" he said at an economic conference in the Qatari capital of Doha.

"In Europe, most of the struggles we've had in the past 50 years have been to fight prejudices against Jews, to fight against anti-Semitism," he said.

Yeah, that's great! I take it were them evil Orthodox Rabbis who flew airliners into the WTC. Not to mention the other terrorist atrocities they are committing all the time. No wonder the world doesn't like them. But this is not just a comparison gone awry, this is the calculating and callous abuse of the millenia-old suffering of the Jewish people by comparing them to the tacidly or openly complying followers of a violent death cult.

And that idiot ought to get a history book or better: read the one he's got. Antisemitism is not fifty, but roughly fivethousand years old, about twothousand in Europe.

As one of the commentators at Dhimmiwatch pointed out: It would be interesting to know how much this spineless piece of slime got for that appearance.

Hold on... I am out of sickbags again...

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