March 31, 2006


From the UPI website:
German school 'breeds terrorists'

BERLIN, March 30 (UPI) -- Officials from a Berlin school have issued a dramatic call for help because if rising violence and anarchy in the school.

One teacher told the Berlin daily Tagesspiegel, she had the impression that the violent environment at the school in the problematic district of Neukoelln would breed "criminals and terrorists."

For years, the Neukoelln 'Hauptschule' (a school for students age 11 to 15) has not been able to find a deputy principal; after the principal recently became sick and hasn't returned so far, teachers there have written a letter to the Federal Education Ministry, calling for help.

The teachers wrote that they are ignored and sometimes attacked in class; teachers wouldn't enter classrooms without their cell phone, so they may call for help in case of an emergency. Mass brawls and knife fights are common at the school.

The students are mainly from immigrant families; students with an Arabic background account for 44 percent, the biggest group, according to the Tagesspiegel.

"The Arabs have the say here and they oppress the Turkish students," one teacher said.

The few German students -- commonly called 'pig-meat eaters' -- try not to call on any attention to themselves, the teacher said.

Berlin's education ministry announced it would dispatch two social workers speaking Arabic and Turkish, adding police would from now control students upon entering the school building.
Note that the German media is talking delicately about pupils with a "migrant" or "non-German" background. Everything not to call a spade a spade.

The hens are coming home to roost for the 1968'er teacher generation. And the politicians of the same generation, to paraphrase Bertolt Brecht, didn't like the people they had, so they elected a new one. Now they've got what they wanted.

(Thanks Politically Incorrect and their commentators for the thoughts!) Rütli-Schule

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