January 31, 2007

Family Reproves Adultery Muslim Style

"Familie ahndet Ehebruch" is the coy headline of a report dated January 30 from the website of the German TV-channel n-tv.

Only the next line: "Paar zu Tode gesteinigt" tells us what the "reprieval" was really about, namely that a couple was stoned to death.
In Pakistan a couple was tied to a tree and stoned to death because they were accused of adultery. Man and woman involved have been related, so the Police told.
In Pakistan, a predominantly Muslim country, hundreds of people are killed every year because of alleged violations of the family honour. Most victims are women in rural areas.
(Translation mine!)

And believe me, dear reader, should you try my new gimmick in the sidebar and find out that "ahnden" stands for "avenge", in everyday usage it's more likely something like "reprimand" or "rebuke".

But then, we must understand that this is not cruel and beastly, it's just part of their culture and who are we to judge other people's cultures!

Specifically we as Germans, with OUR past!

Incidents like that shouldn't be reported at all because that's Islamophobic and racist.

And finally: This has nothing to do with Islam. Islam is a religion of peace and everybody who doesn't agree is racist and an Islamophobe.

Hat-tip: PI!

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