January 21, 2009

Who Botched the Oath and Why?

Some say that Roberts botched it, some say Obama. One thing is sure: It was an unusual swearing-in:

Roberts: Are you prepared to take the oath, Senator?
Obama: I am.
Roberts: I, Barack Hussein Obama…
Obama: I, Barack…
Roberts: … do solemnly swear…
Obama: I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear…
Roberts: … that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully…
Obama: … that I will execute…
Roberts: … faithfully the office of president of the United States…
Obama: … the office of president of the United States faithfully…
Roberts: … and will to the best of my ability…
Obama: … and will to the best of my ability…
Roberts: … preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Obama: … preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Roberts: So help you God?
Obama: So help me God.
Roberts: Congratulations, Mr. President.

My friend Gudrun Eussner, who owns one of the most serious and competent Islam-critical German-language websites, has a theory, a theory that may appear far-fetched to many, but here it is anyway: She says Obama stuttered because he intended to swear as "Barack Obama" and not as "Barack Hussein Obama". Thus, his Muslim part wouldn't have been included in the oath and set the Muslim Obama free to do what he has to do. "Hussein Obama" didn't, after all, swear the oath.

Judge Roberts, so Gudrun thinks, (Gudrun holds a doctorate in political sciences. Now retired, she used to work for many years for NGOs in the Middle East and has come across taqqiya before...) has unmasked him and Obama has shown in front of millions of viewers what he is.

Roberts is the man of whom Senator Obama said:
...when I examined Judge Roberts' record and history of public service, it is my personal estimation that he has far more often used his formidable skills on behalf of the strong in opposition to the weak. In his work in the White House and the Solicitor General's Office, he seemed to have consistently sided with those who were dismissive of efforts to eradicate the remnants of racial discrimination in our political process. In these same positions, he seemed dismissive of the concerns that it is harder to make it in this world and in this economy when you are a woman rather than a man.
Should Gudrun be right, Roberts has used his formidable skills here on behalf of a desperate attempt to unmask a dangerous fraudster.

But then, maybe Judge Roberts has never heard of taqqiya and really just fouled it up.

We will, I am afraid, see.

Plenty of video clips online to get an own impression.


Terry Morris said...

She says Obama stuttered because he intended to swear as "Barack Obama" and not as "Barack Hussein Obama".

But Obama said several weeks prior to the swearing in ceremony that he intended to use his full name as a way, as I recall, to "reach out" to Muslims. I'll see whether I can find a link, Nora.

The_Editrix said...

Terry, I probably haven't explained it well enough in the original article. Gudrun thinks (maybe mistakenly) that Obama intended to override Roberts and his earlier decision to use his full name. It may be a wacko theory. We all ought to hope it is. I know Gudrun for seven or eight years now. Her analysis has, so far, always been verified by what actually happened later. And the first performances by the new president don't put me in an optimistic mood.

Pastorius said...

Very interesting conjecture, Editrix.

Pastorius said...

By the way, here's what Terry Morris was referring to:
