It is to celebrate the 40-year jubiliee of the twinning of Bad Godesberg with the Turkish town of Yalova within the framework of the current town festival, where a delegation from Yalova is present. So flying this flag is, mind you, OFFICIAL. A cursory online search seems to indicate that the German flag code remains silent about the flying of alien national emblems. But is everything that is not explicitly forbidden allowed or even advisable?
The renowned German professor of ancient history and classicist Egon Flaig wrote 2006:
"Then we want the flag of Islam to fly over those lands again, that once had been lucky enough to be submitted to the rule of Islam and having heard the call of the muezzin praising God. Then the light of Islam died out and they returned to infidelity. Andalusia, Sicily, the Balkans, Southern Italy and the Greek Islands are all Islamic colonies which have to return to the fold of Islam. The Mediterranean and the Red Sea have to become inland seas of Islam, as they used to be". These are not the words of Al Qaeda, they were taken from the programme outlined by the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan Al Banna, in a speech. The Brotherhood has millions of followers today and reaches out far beyond Egypt. Their intellectuals are working in Europe and the United States; they count as "moderates" and are treated as such by the media. Planned re-conquering of "lost" territories are part of the agenda of states that are fighting for territorial dominance. How can it be part of a religious programme? Is Islam a religion like any other religion?Maybe deeming the reading of classics or ancient history as obsolete was a mistake. But then, I guess it's just the sheer and undiluted German love for totalitarian ideologies that lets them do what they do.
Nature abhors a vacuum and I've heard that the same applies to spiritual beliefs. The West has abandoned much of its spirituality (primarily Christianity) for secularism. Perhaps this has left a void that is now being filled increasingly by Islam. Many people no longer have a basis (spiritual or historical) for refusing or opposing it. That and they have been conditioned by multiculturalism to see Islam as co-equal to anything produced in the west. Its just another way to live. (We must ignore the stoning of women or homosexuals, honor killings or threats to assimilate or annihilate those who do not embrace the true faith)
I don't know, I'm just casting a line out here for reasons. So many people seem hell-bent on proving they tolerate or accept Islam while overlooking its significant dark acts. Yet they are quick to pounce on any shortcomings of conservatives, Christians or Jews as reasons for rejecting and ostracizing those people, be they real or as is frequently the case, imagined. It puzzles and confounds me.
Western submission to Islam has many reasons. Material considerations, love for totalitarian ideologies or, the spiritual vacuum you describe or, as in Germany, the well-founded hope that Muslims will finish what Germans were forced to stop 64 years ago.
Also, there is the aspect of Western women who have totally emasculated their men and are now nostalgically seeking for aggressive, violent, sweaty masculinity. That they are totally ignoring the rape statistics is probably something that has to do with the mental incostistency from which the majority of the female sex suffers.
Another, and specifically unsavoury, aspect is that of a certain cross-cultural affinity, which is largely overlooked, probably because the mere thought is too repulsive to most sane and healthy people to be taken as something that ought to be considered. How debased and rotten to the core is a society whose media publishes a justification of sex with children with the goal of excusing Islam of what it is? This aspect is more important that we wish it to be.
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