What does Google, always so helpful, say? If one googles for "trophy photos soldiers" one gets 531,000 hits, some as interesting as this one or this one. And no, they are not about Israeli soldiers.

Arizona war worker writes her Navy boyfriend a thank-you note for the Jap skull he sent her.As it ought to be, and I am serious here, those pictures are put in a historic perspective by many contemporary and more recent commenters. It is an enlightening lecture about history and human nature. If one goes then on googling for "trophy photos soldiers -israel -jews" one gets 322,000 hits, for "trophy photos soldiers -israel -jews -iraq" only 242,000. What conclusion can be drawn from that? I'm not 100% sure, but a possible one would be that American war crimes, real or perceived, only started to become truly interesting for a wider public, and not even mainly in Germany, when America had mutated in the public eye to the Ersatz-Jew, acting as proxy for Israel, the Über-Jew.
Defense worker N. Nickolson writes to her sweetheart thanking him for his letter and "souvenir." This skull of a Japanese soldier bears the inscription: "Here is a good Jap -- a dead one!"

The faded photograph was found in a Japanese soldier's pocket and yet still chills the heart of Australians.I'm sure the Australians wouldn't have gotten their knickers in such a knot had they only known, what Israelis would do to their prisoners sixty-odd years later.
Not to forget the recent cases, but they are part of the culture of the performers and thus above criticism per se. Culture is wonderful, as long as it's not Western. Never forget, too, that they are deeply traumatized by the cruel treatment they received from the West. And who are we, anyway, with our past and present, capitalism, imperialism, White Supremacy, colonialism, not to speak of the Holocaust, to be arrogant enough to lecture them what is wrong or what is right.

Of course we must worry about S&M
photos in Abu Gharib and Korans in the toilets. I tried to place a copy of a work of Marx in the toilet and it didn't flush.
Dad had the skull of a Japanese soldier he brought back from Iwo Jima in the china cabinet.
It was pretty neat but my mother made him get rid of it.
I'm pretty sure you are just being provocative, Duckie.
It is the same crazed (and I mean crazed) attitude to war that makes it an enormous and intolerable burden that a soldier should die every few days. There is a real insanity about in the media and much of the population. It is not even that they don't know what war is; they have been taught at school about the millions of soldiers who perished in the two world wars. And yet they find the least notion of a single loss - probably less than law enforcement agencies lose fighting organized crime - beyond bearing. Likewise, any suspicion of any war crime on our side (their side, after all, has different standards) causes paroxysms of rage and scars of memory that are never allowed to heal.
Nope, God's truth Editrix.
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