There is no peace and consequently, I (I, I, I !) have no peace. Every morning, I (I, I, I !) wake up to news about Muslims blowing each other up ... Yesterday, a friend ... told me (ME, ME, ME !) that Arab Muslims are taking over more and more Jewish Israeli land ... They are not allowing me (ME, ME, ME !) to have peaceful thoughts. Every week, sometimes every few days, I (I, I, I !) am informed that yet another Iranian woman has been ... Daily, the news from Afghanistan chills my (MY, MY, MY !) blood ... Thus, Muslims, among whom I (I, I, I !) once lived and whom I (I, I, I !) once loved, are giving me (ME, ME, ME !) no peace in my (MY, MY, MY !) older years. (The ones I (I, I, I !) knew and loved are either dead or living in exile in the West.) ... please explain to me (ME, ME, ME !) why Gretta Duisenberg ... is now suing my (MY, MY, MY !) friend and colleague the eminent Iranian-Dutch professor of philosophy and jurisprudence, Afshin Ellian, for calling her an “anti-Semite,” when she proudly calls herself an “anti-Semite.”You get the point? The worst about the threat Islam poses to the West is that it causes Professor Chesler to suffer sleepless nights and doesn't allow her to have peaceful thoughts anymore. And now, finally, at last (we are relieved) to the purpose (apart from letting us know that the worst about the threat Islam poses to the West is that it causes Professor Chesler to suffer sleepless nights and doesn't allow her to have peaceful thoughts anymore) of this hyperventilating ego-extravaganza:
Leon de Winter and Abigail Esman are both asking us all to write on their blogs, in our articles, on our Facebook pages that we, too, believe that Gretta Duisenberg is an anti-Semite. In Dutch, de Winter says:For Heaven's Sake! Almost exactly seven years ago, I (I, I, I !) and the Jerusalem Post called Gretta Duisenberg (and others) antisemites. Countless people must have done so as well before and since then. And now she (SHE, SHE, SHE !) needs to recruit "thousands, perhaps millions" to save her (HER, HER, HER !) "friend and colleague" from a fate worse than death? Give me a break!I invite all readers to support journalistic freedom and freedom of expression by writing ‘I, too, think Gretta Duisenberg is an anti-Semite.’How many people can Duisenberg sue? Can she sue only one person if thousands, perhaps millions, are saying the same thing?
In fact, a Google search for "gretta duisenberg antisemite" renders 398,000 results right now and a picture search shows countless pictures poking fun at the evil old Duisen-hag, even including the antisemitism-topic.

Feminists claim that they are responsible for women have careers nowadays, but shouldn't much of the credit go to birth control?
Also, should feminism get the credit for the median age of a German being seven years older than an American (43.8 vs. 36.8)?
Also, should feminism get the credit for the median age of a German being seven years older than an American (43.8 vs. 36.8)?
That is the wrong question because feminism in Germany hasn't got a fraction of the importance it's got in America.
I'd wager that is has something to do with -- dare I say it? -- *gasp* health insurance, a statement that now exposes me as the liberal leftist pinko commie I am.
Sorry. I can only guess what you are getting at. Are you saying that because Germans have universal and ready access to state paid contraception and abortions, that German women have fewer children than American women?
Oh, I get it. Without universal health insurance, many American die unnecessarily while German survive and thrive, and that might account for the average German being 7 years older than the average American. I don't know why it took me so long to get your point.
Looking at the Age Structure, or Age Pyramid, one can see the main reason is the dearth of live births in Germany. About 23,000 American die unnecessarily due to lack of universal health insurance per year, but that's one out of 13,043 Americans, surely not enough to account for even one year of the seven year difference:
Yes, that is what I meant.
This may be interesting re feminism in Germany.
In Europe socialized medicine is a given. It is a different matter in the USA.
Yes Beak, but the fact that things are "different" in America doesn't mean that they are above criticism.
I say Amen! to Editrix's latest comment.
If a nation volunteers to be the policemen of the world but must shirk on its responsibilities to its own citizens, no other nation will have any quibbles about that situation. Of course, they'll complain about everything under the sun except about its shirking its responsibilities to its own citizens.
Ironically, every country the US fixes ends up having universal healthcare. "Physician, heal thyself!" (Luke 4:23).
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