It is a widely shared consensus, that the existence of the state of Israel with her ethnic European population is the cause for the strife in the Middle East. So it may be a surprise to some that as early as 1933 Nazi political groups started to rise their ugly heads throughout the Arab world, for example Young Egypt, led by Muslim Brotherhood member Gamal Abdel Nasser, later Egyptian President. Young Egypt’s political slogan "One Folk, One Party, One Leader" is a direct translation from the German.
Who was the driving force behind this movement?
Contrary to the current politically correct version that the previously innocent and Jew-loving Arabs "learned" antisemitism from the Germans, there is sufficient proof even to justifiedly speculate whether to some extent the history of the European Jews would have taken not quite a disastrous course without Amin el Husseini, who later added "Hadj" to his name, and whose creepy shadow of death is still looming today.
He was born 1893 in Jerusalem under Ottoman rule. 1914-1917 he got his first taste of "jihad" and must have found it addictive. As an officer of the Ottoman Empire in Smyrna during the Armenian genocide, he actively participated in the slaughtering of one and a half million Christians by the Ottoman Army and it ought to be remembered that allegiance to the idea of the Ottoman Empire and a vision of Islamic world take-over was spine-chillingly echoed by Osama Bin Laden in his post-September 11th declaration.
But back to British Mandate Palestine, where Husseini is able to apply the lessons he had learned, lessons of genocide and the establishment of a Pan-Islamic empire, from which Jews and Christians are excluded. He stirs up riots in Palestine through the Twenties and Thirties, mainly, but not exclusively, targeted at Jews, including the massacre of the Hebron Jews on 23 and 24 August 1929.
The survivors are forced to flee Hebron, their property is seized by Arab residents and occupied until after the Six Day War 1967. The Hebron Jewish community was over 2,000 years old. This and other massacres may serve as both, proof for the fact that the Jewish-Arab relationships were, different from what some are fond of maintaining, less than well already before the foundation of the State of Israel and that, different from what others say, the Arabs did not learn genocidal antisemitism from the Nazis. But I digress.
Muslims who dare to protest against Hadj Amin's reign of terror are murdered as well, who, in 1931, becomes founder of the World Islamic Congress and starts to build his own strong political base.
1937 Hadj Amin el Husseini visits the German Consul in Jerusalem. He meets among others Adolf Eichmann (whose sense for "Aryan" company must have been a wee bit selective) to discuss "the Jewish question". From then on, Husseini will receive financial and military aid from Nazi Germany. He spends the war safe and sound in Germany, all expenses paid by the Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt).

While in Bosnia, Amin Al-Husseini takes the title "Protector of Islam". 100,000 (One hundred thousand!) Bosnian Muslims join the Nazi ranks. They are seeking the approval of the Germans for establishing an autonomous protectorate for Bosnian Muslims.
Amin Al-Husseini approves the Pejani Plan calling for the extermination of the Serbian population, something that even Nazi Germany refuses to implement.
Bosnian ethnic cleansing under Amin al Husseini:
- Orthodox Christian Serbs: 200,000 killed
- Gypsies: more than 40,000 killed
- Jewish Bosnians: 22,000 killed.
Husseini’s legacy of hatred is a major factor in today’s Bosnia/Herzegovina campaign against the Serbs.
1942, Husseini intervenes personally with the Nazi High Command to refuse an offer by the Red Cross to exchange 10,000 Jewish children for German prisoners of war. The offer is refused and the children die in the gas chambers.

Husseini and Himmler grow on each other. At his insistence, the "Mufti" is even given a private tour of Auschwitz death camp by Himmler.

On August 6, 1943, Himmler writes the following letter to his man in the NDH, SS Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei Konstantin Kammerhofer and to Artur Phleps, commander of the 5th SS Mountain Corps:
"All Moslem members of the Waffen SS and police are to be afforded the undeniable right of their religious demands never to touch pork, pork sausages nor to drink alcohol...I hold all commanders...and other SS officers, responsible for the most scrupulous and loyal respect for this privilege especially granted to the Muslims. They have answered the call of the Moslem chiefs and have come to us out of hatred for the common Jewish-Anglo-Bolshevik enemy and through respect and fidelity for he who they respect above all, the Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler... There will no longer be the least discussion about the special rights afforded to the Moslems in these circles.
Heil Hitler
(signed) H. Himmler"

On March 1, 1944, Husseini addresses from Berlin the Muslim SS units: "Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God, history and religion. This saves your honour. God is with you."
1944, he becomes one of the founders of the Arab League. Its goal is to reinforce Pan-Islamic unity. Founding members are Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. Husseini is appointed in absentia President of Fourth Higher Committee.
1946, the British grant Husseini amnesty to weaken the Jewish presence in Mandate Palestine. He returns to Palestine.
1946, Hadj Amin is appointed leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem. Wahhabist Islam becomes the perfect carrier for Husseini’s policy of ethnic cleansing. He uses recently acquired Nazi methods to realise his vision of an Arab World free of Jews ("judenfrei"). Yugoslavia's request of extradition of Husseini from Egypt for War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity is refused by the Egyptian government.

Post-WWII, Husseini is directly involved in providing a safe haven to ex-Nazis in Arab countries and the main connection with Francois Genoud, Swiss banker of the Third Reich, who finances the ODESSA network with money stolen from European Jews. Genoud, visits Husseini several times in Beirut and sponsors Arab Nationalism with Nazi money. In Cairo and Tangiers, Genoud sets up an import-export company called Arabo-Afrika, as a cover for an anti-Jewish and later anti-Israeli propaganda organisation.

Putting up a picture of the Arab issue of "Mein Kampf" cost a German blogger recently his contract with his (German) ISP. Showing something like that is considered "hatespeak" by German law, while conveniently serving the purpose of keeping up a smokescreen preventing knowledge of German-Arab collaboration spreading too far.
1962, Hadj Amin el Husseini becomes president of his brainchild, the World Islamic Congress.

His legacy of a worldwide war of Islamic conquest, of terror and eliminatory hatred of Jews continues to this day. Yasser Arafat (on the right) pays hommage to his mentor at the latter's funeral.
For further reference regarding Middle Eastern history of this specific period go to:
Tell The Children The Truth, La bibliothèque proche-orientale or do a simple Google search, as the sources are too numerous to mention here.
For Balkan history go to:
Kosovo and the Holocaust: Falsifying History
ISLAM UNDER THE SWASTIKA: The Grand Mufti and the Nazi Protectorate of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1941-1945
both by Carl Savich.