March 22, 2006

History Meets Dhimmitude Head-On

Every time I think that the embarrassment, which goes by the name of 'Germany' can't be topped anymore, Austria manages to do just that. A cooperative between Christians and Muslims in Austria, published at their website the following "declaration", of which I have translated the first paragraph. Never mind the rest, it's irrelevant and identical with any self-hating do-gooder blather of which the giving Christians are so proud and the receiving Muslims so appreciative.

Wir - die unterzeichneten Christen, Muslime und die anderen Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer dieser Erklärung - haben in Österreich eine gemeinsame geschichtliche Erfahrung: sie lehrt uns, dass Begegnung bereichert, Stereotypen und Feindbilder aber den Frieden zerstören. Wir wissen: jede Ungerechtigkeit und Unmenschlichkeit, jede pauschale Verdächtigung und jedes verhetzende Wort gegenüber Menschen anderer politischer, religiöser und sozialer Herkunft kann eine Vorform auch physischer Gewalt sein.



We, the undersigned Christians, Muslims and other (male and female) supporters of this declaration share a mutual historical experience in Austria: it teaches us that meeting each other is enriching, yet that stereotypes and bogeyman images destroy the peace. We know: each injustice and inhumanity, each stereotypical suspicion and each hatemongering word about people of other political, religious and social background is a potential early form even of physical violence.
Let me re-phrase that: "We, the undersigned Christians, Muslims and other (male and female) supporters of this declaration share a mutual historical experience in Austria: it happened  1529 and between 1683 and 1699 among other places at the Gates of Vienna and would have, without Rüdiger von Starhemberg, Duke Charles of Lorraine, Prince Schwarzenberg, Prince Eugen of Savoy, King Jan Sobieski of Poland and many more valiant Catholics come to a miserable end."

Isn't it fun when history meets dhimmitude head-on?

(Edited to add: THANKS PI, Beate and Stefan! I love you!)

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