June 05, 2006

Pre-Worldcup Lesson Worth More Attention

A pre-FIFA Worldcup lesson worth more attention: While France openly boasts an extremely high nausea threshold when it comes to rubbing shoulders with the countries of the Middle East, maybe, but I can only guess here, because it gives them the illusion to be still a country of international notion, they had less compunctions to crack down on terrorism outside the spotlight. The new book
French plot to kidnap Abu Hamza and save the World Cup
By Sean O’Neill and Daniel McGrory in an extract from their new book

Exasperated by Britain’s failure to silence the Islamic preacher of hate, France considered drastic measures to protect itself from a terror attack, suggests The Suicide Factory
reveals unteresting details. There is a short excerpt at TIMESONLINE worth reading. The book should be interesting, too, in the light of the increasing submission to dhimmitude in England.

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