May 26, 2009

Idealism Kills

Or: The Voluntary Re-GDR-fication

I am currently tackling the problem of our garden, a bigg-ish affair. While the entire property covers 1,500 m², the lawn covers "only" 1,000 m² because there is the house, a garden shed, several big trees, various flower beds and vegetable patches. We have decided to do most of the gardening ourselves (or rather: I will do it myself) instead of paying somebody to do it, and I had no idea how much there is to learn about lawn mowers and how expensive the high-performance ones are. I had no idea either how quickly a garden turns into a weedy mess without care.

The garden, although it used to be well tended until we took over and, strictly speaking, not ugly, is uninspired. It's the garden of somebody who had little money to spend, didn't care and had no sense for beauty (but for order) and plenty of use for some additional self-grown grub. (It just occurs to me that this is a fair description for the former GDR.)

Yes, I am slowly coming to the point now: I haven't the faintest about and I am not keen on gardening so I did an Internet search (in German), first for plants that are pretty to look at, uncomplicated to grow and in need of little care, and second how to turn a vegetable patch into a flower- (or other ornamental) bed. The result let me immediately rummage for my beta-blockers: While there are countless hits on how to turn a flower- (or other ornamental) bed into a vegetable patch, the reverse is almost non-existent. Why? I soon found out why. At the website of one of the public radio stations, under the header "Tips for Hobby Gardeners" we are informed that:
Michelle Obama, the wife of the American president, shows us how to do it: Instead of growing flowers she turns the flower beds around the White House into vegetable patches. Thus, the ornamental beds are put to their best use and the vitamin-supply is ensured.
This let me not just rummage for my beta-blockers but curse the fact that I had no emetic available or at least a stiff drink.

Frankly, that couple in the White House disgusts me so much that I always try to skip the ubiquitous information about them, so I had no idea whether that is true. Another Internet search later, I know it is only partly true. Not THE flower beds around the White House are turned into vegetable patches, but a sizeable bit of the South Lawn. (Which proves once again that if anything ought to convince even the last American that his current president is deeply anti-American, it ought to be this extracerebral, bowel-located adulation by the German masses.)

But let's forget blissfully about the charade in the White House and focus on all those many little Germans who do not grow, lile Michelle O., vegetables in their garden as an opportunist PR-gag, but as a lifestyle choice. Why would people want to turn a perfectly nice patch of grass or flowers into an ugly pile of dirt and manure to harvest some deformed, bug-infested lumps of vegetable DNS? This is, mind you, one of the most densely populated countries in the world and gardening has not, like in England, any "snob value". I am not talking either about people with REALLY big gardens, time and knowledge how to grow useful plants effectively. Also, this is a country, where staple foods, fruit and vegetables in season are cheap. So again: Why?

Although hardly anybody of those wannabe self-sufficients is a militant "Green" with a capital "G". They are following an ideology, just as the housewife, who stridently demands that her breadwinning husband has to take down the dustbin after a long day at the office does not see herself as a feminist. Still, behind their activities are the claims of a political movement that rejects modernity. The list of statement-making labels that are furthering a set of relative moral values behind different sorts of food is ever-growing. Fair Trade, "Bio", organic, non-gm are only some of them and what they all share is the rejection and vilification of modern farming practices, farming practices without which millions in the third world would starve to death. Idealism kills people.

An old joke exemplifies quite well the "green" image of men:
Meet two planets:
"You are not looking well. Are you ill?"
"Yes, I've caught Homo Sapiens."
"Don't worry, that's just a nuisance and will pass."

Men as bugs.

In the Sixties, people here in Germany started to turn their vegetable patches into gardens because they could now afford beauty and enjoyed it together with their freedom. That was when the old-fashioned farmers' cooperation trading posts, soon to be turned into "garden centers", ceased to sell horse- and cattle feed to sell bulbs, lawn seed and outdoor furniture instead. Now we are going the opposite way. People are prepared to victimize pleasure and beauty for a totalitarian world view and really believe against all reason that the ugly, bug-eaten lumps they are harvesting from their towel-sized patches are truly "healthy". In the former GDR people did it to improve their uninspiring staple diet, now they do it voluntarily and that gives them a warm and fuzzy feeling of a vague "goodness" and moral superiority. Idealism kills pleasure too.

Cross-posted with pictures at The Evil Style Queen.

May 22, 2009

Tribute to A Different Denmark

Or: Cut off their legs and feed them heroin. They are embarrassing us!

Back in December 2008, I published an entry Some highly non-PC musings on sport at my style blog, from which I take an excerpt that seems now to be eerily clairvoyant regarding the current political climate.

I stated back then that I am more than just a bit sceptical about exclusive competitions for the disabled. I thought and I think they are abortive attempts at egalitarianism and a politically correct impertinence imposed on the sport-watching public. I want to know how fast the fastest of able-bodied men can run and I think it's a thrill to watch. I don't want to know how fast a man with one leg can run and I don't want to watch him at such an excrutiating exploit either. Besides, it creates virtual ghettoes and denies that handicapped people can, in certain sports, compete successfully against able-bodied competitors.

The medallists of the individual dressage: Lis HARTEL from Denmark on Jubilee, Silver, Henri SAINT CYR from Sweden on July, Gold, and Liselott LINSENHOFF from Germany on Adular, Bronze.
Credit: IOC Olympic Museum Collections

On June 16, 1956 at Stockholm, Sweden, a woman from Denmark won the silver medal in Olympic dressage at the second Olympic Games where women were allowed to compete in this sport ever. Lis Hartel was paralysed by polio below the knees. Even though she could only walk with the aid of a stick and had to be helped on and off her horse, she won the silver medal and repeated her performance four years later at the Rome Olympics. Nowadays, she'd be confined to compete at freak shows for the sake of political correctness. Justice must prevail and we have gone a long way towards downlevelling equality.

My entry ended there. However, it is obvious, that there is still an even longer way to go ahead of us and we are all following it without demur.

Correction: Lis Hartel had won Silver 1952 in Helsinki already, so THIS was her repeat performance. My apologies for this mistake.

Heroin for Everybody!

The sickeningly PC rag Expatica is drooling enthusiastically over the latest madness:
School pupils in Copenhagen may soon be able to study Arabic as a second language under a new proposal that seeks to give a boost to children from immigrant families, city officials said Monday.

"It is very important that we give students a choice of languages that includes Arabic, as there is a need to give a helping hand to young people from the Arab-speaking countries to reinforce their education and integration into Danish society," Bo Asmus Kjeldgaard, the city's vice-mayor in charge of youth policy, told AFP.

It would be offered alongside other foreign languages already taught in Denmark such as English, French and German.

All four languages would be offered as options for the entrance exams that pupils have to sit at 15 to get into high school.

By offering Arabic on the curriculum, the idea is to give children from immigrant families a better chance at succeeding in those tests.

Copenhagen has asked Denmark's education ministry, which must agree to the proposals, to start teaching Arabic when students return to school in August from their summer holidays.

Some 10 percent of Copenhagen's 31,000 secondary school pupils speak the language as their mother tongue, city authorities said.

Despite counting just six percent non-citizens among its 5.5 million inhabitants, Denmark has long struggled to integrate its immigrant population amid widespread skepticism of foreigners, especially those who are Muslim.

Kjeldgaard said it would also be a huge advantage in the future for Danish companies doing business with Arab countries.
Yeah, right! All the so far un-integrable rabble will now magically turn into top-managers and further the the future of Danish companies doing business with Arab countries. Without speaking Danish, of course.

And now lets cut off the legs of all able-bodied Danish athletes so that they can compete with the physically handicapped on the same level at those freak shows called "paralympics" and distribute free heroin to everybody so that those poor addicts won't feel rejected, ostracized and marginalized anymore.

May 21, 2009

The Day That Changed Germany

The iconic photo by photographer Jürgen Henschel. Student Friederike Dollinger, a stranger to Ohnesorg, is holding him crying: "What did you do, you've killed him, he is dead and now look at that!"

On June 2, 1967, Benno Ohnesorg, a German student of Romance and German literature, was shot dead by a plain clothes police officer during a rally against the visit of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. As a pacifist, Ohnesorg was a member of a Christian Protestant community. He was a poet and aspired to become a grammar school teacher, married, his wife being pregnant with their first child. This had been the first rally he had ever attended. He was 26.

Karl-Heinz Kurras, the fatal shooter, was found not guilty of negligent homicide on November 21, 1967.

Benno Ohnesorgs death led to the militant radicalisation of the extreme left and became the central argument for the self-justification of those who later killed almost hundred people. The Movement 2 June was named after the day of his death. The rest is history.

Now two historians, Cornelia Jabs und Helmut Müller-Enbergs, have made an interesting, potentially explosive, discovery. In an article in the respected historic specialist magazine, "Deutschlandarchiv", they published an article "Der 2. Juni 1967 und die Staatssicherheit". While doing research in the Stasi archives, they found documents such as the signed formal obligation of Karl-Heinz Kurras, his SED-membership book and several personnel reviews by his case officers. Kurras had belonged, so it seems, to "Linie IV" within the Stasi, known to have been responsible for "less than pretty dealings", so Müller-Enbergs und Jabs.

Kurras, so the historians, got a radio message from the DDR-Ministerium für Staatssicherheit following Ohnesorge's death, saying: "Destroy material at once. Stop work for now. Consider event as deplorable mishap...".

Anyway, Kurras was, following June 2, 1967, not expelled from the SED and as a member of a special task force of the West Berlin police, a unit that was set up to detect traitors within their own ranks, he was working at an extremely sensitive spot indeed.

So far, the historians can not tell for sure, whether Kurras had killed Ohnesorg at East Berlin's instigation or not. Facts are, that he was a crack shot who was unlikely to have hit Ohnesorg by chance, that he hadn't been "attacked" by anybody and certainly not by Ohnesorg, that he had hopelessly entangled himself in contradictions in the aftermath of the fatal event, and that investigation authorities had done everything to clear the name of "one of them".

Asked 40 years later whether he had, then, made a mistake, Kurras, then 79, replied: "Mistake? I ought to have blasted them to send the scraps flying and not just once; I ought to have shot five, six times. Everybody who attacks me will be destroyed and that's that", letting, incidentally, slip that his defence about the warning shot he had allegedly fired had been a lie.

Elsewhere, Gesine Schwan, professor of political sciences, Greens-backed nominee of the Social Democratic Party for the upcoming federal presidential elections and possessor of a face she duly deserves, informed us, that she refuses to use the epithet "Unrechtsstaat" (lawless state) for the former GDR because not everything had been bad there.

May 17, 2009

Admiration as A Compulsory Exercise

On Friday, Navid Kermani, a Muslim writer and orientalist, was expelled from the awardees' list of the annual Hessian culture award because it had transpired that he had, as a good Muslim ought to, assigned from a great height a place in the back row to the Christian faith when he had stated (among other things) that the painting "Crucifixion" by the Italian baroque painter Guido Reni, that the crucifix is a blasphemous, pornographic and idolatrous image. In the Swiss newspaper NZZ, that was, and in one of those shallow, vain, blabbering "reflections" we know him for and which go down only too well with only too many.

The state of Hesse had intended to award their 45,000 Euro prize jointly to a Jew, a Muslim, a Catholic and a Lutheran to honour the cultural achievements of the monotheistic religions.

Notoriously liberal Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz for once balked and refused to share the award with Navid Kermani, as did Peter Steinacker, former head of the Lutheran church of Hesse and Nassau.

The board then wrote to Kermani, withdrawing the award. The fourth recipient is Jewish, Salomon Korn, vice president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany and leader of the Frankfurt Jewish congregation.

Reactions were predictable. The speaker of Germany's parliament (according to the order of precedence Germany's second-highest ranking official after President Horst Köhler) Norbert Lammert, a member of the Christian Democratic Union, Catholic, denounced the board's turnabout, saying "If this is true, they should abolish the prize altogether ... Culture is nice, tolerance too, but one can't have both without making a big effort." It ought not to be forgotten that there will be federal- and elections for the European parliament held soon and that the Iranian contacts of businessmen close to the CDU are not to be neglected, needing, indeed, big efforts.

Aiman A Mazyek, secretary of the Central Council of Muslims, who thinks that it's quite alright to make jokes about the Prophet Mohammed as long as one does not talk about his flaws, said to the Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel: "How would they have felt if a Muslim had refused to meet a churchman because he did not revere the Prophet Mohammed?" The question is not how they would have FELT, but what they would have DONE, Aiman. respectively what they would have NOT done.

But that isn't the whole story. Largely ignored by the mainstream media remained the fact that Kermani hadn't been the first choice for the award. That had been the Muslim Fuat Sezgin. Sezgin had refused to accept the award together with the Jew Salomon Korn whose view of the situation in Gaza Sezgin found objectionable.

Notabene that it's quite alright for the German media that a Muslim rejects an award because of insurmountable cultural differences with a Jew, but not if a Catholic does exactly that to a Muslim.

Just who is this particular Muslim? Navid Kermani, born in Germany to Iranian parents, who gets much acclaim as both, an orientalist and as a protagonist of "moderate Islam", is married to Katajun Armipur, another orientalist and protagonist of "moderate Islam", as well as another "Germano-Iranian" (as the politically correct description goes). Armipur has gotten some fame (or is it notoriety?) when she had stated that "even thinking about replacing stoning with other punishments is a step in the right direction" when in August 2004, in the Iranian town of Neka, a 16-year-old girl was hanged because of "unchaste behaviour". Kermani and Armipur are considered models of well-assimilated, "moderate Muslims" from whom we can learn a lot and whose admiration is a compulsory exercise. Notabene, too, that media darling Kermani's Habilitationsschrift, an orgiastically acclaimed effort, was in great parts lifted fom the epochal work "Das Meer der Seele" by the peerless and long dead German orientalist Hellmut Ritter, as Gudrun Eussner substantiates in her article (sadly in German only) "Hellmut Ritter: Das Meer der Seele - und der Tümpel von Navid Kermani" (Helmut Ritter: The Sea of the Soul and Navid Kermani's Puddle).

Different from another case of multicultural enrichment, I do not think that Kermani makes up his shit arbitrarily as he goes along, but that it is cooly calculated. However, what I then said about a society that showers those "culture-enrichers" with acclaim still stands: Only in a country like Germany, with that dangerous mixture of self-hatred and denial and without any moral and ethical compass, phonies like him can become the media darlings of the unenlightened masses. In any sane society he would have been laughed out of the door ages ago.

Edited to add:
Yesterday night, when I finished this, it seemed so self-evident that I didn't say it. In broad daylight there seems something to be missing, so here it is: If anything shows that there is no "dialogue" with Muslims possible, it is this carefully calculated mixture of open insults, taqiyya and half-truths, wrapped in the smugly chic and vain harangue of an educated -- WESTERN educated -- intellectual.

May 15, 2009


Since the Gleiwitz incident, Germans know the importance of the media. Politically Incorrect really seems to be on to something, so here it goes:

The Pro-Köln rally had been attended by two, seemingly ubiquitous, archetypical neo-Nazis, one small and one large, who had conspiciously caught the interest of the media. WDR-cameraman Oliver Köhler had filmed at the railwaystation from which they (notabene!) departed already and several times more for his report all through the event. (Here it is, sadly in German only, and it seems that the comments have been removed.) What is rather funny is, that the report sneeringly refers to Pro-Köln as a "self-appointed citizens' movement". Yeah right! A true, genuine, credible German "citizens' movement" has to be appointed by the state! So what else is new? That little statement says more about Germany than an entire library full of history books could. Notabene, too, that the bigger one of those two clowns is wearing a T-shirt with an imprint on the back (oh-so-subtly in Gothic type print) saying "Your gallows are already being built". During the national anthem he and his buddy acted, as PI put it correctly, "provocatively pompous". (Yes I know, what they did it is not considered "provocatively pompous" in America, but believe me, it is here.) And when the counter-protesters started to riot, they immediately joined the fray to provoke them even more.

It seems as if the entire media had been focusing on those two guys, and when I picked the pictures for my brief report of the rally, which was mainly an account of the partly moronic, partly violent, counter-rally, I somewhat "naturally" picked a picture of the fat one as a picture of a pro-Pro-Köln attendee, because it seemed to be the only one that was there, respectively the only one that was quickly available (second picture from the bottom). I do see now that it gives an entirely warped meaning to what I was trying to convey.

But the story doesn't end here. When the police was asked by a Pro-Köln official to remove the two punks, they refused, stating only the chairman of the event could do that. And that was where Manfed Rouhs made a mistake. He did exactly that and lo and behold, the press corps HAD their picture of "Manfred Rouhs and a rightwinger", offensive T-shirt-imprint and all. Can it get any more obvious than that?

The man was then asked to cover his T-shirt with a jacket.

So far, nobody knows who those two men are and that, when virtually every neo-Nazi in Germany is under heavy observation and the relevant organisations as heavily infiltrated by the inland security. In fact, most offices of that valiant organisation would have to be closed down, were the NPD ever to be banned. Yet nobody seems to recognize them.

Comment 116 of the PI-entry delivers some credible information, including a link to Indymedia, indicating that the counter-protesters were less than pleased with the police's cooperation, a cooperation, mind you, allegedly arranged before the event. As an aside: The anti-opression freethinkers at Indy are referring as well to Pro-Köln as a "self-appointed citizens' movement", proving thus once again that they are just the totalitarian scum as which they hate to appear.

Kudos to Pro-Köln who have at least achieved one thing: To unmask the Cologne "democratic" institutions as what they are.

Pictures from the PI-entry.

May 14, 2009

The Selective View of Who Makes a Victim

Not quite two years ago we reported the case of Ermyas Mulugeta, a "Germano-Ethiopian" (as the politically correct definition goes) who had come to grief in Potsdam, the capital of the state of Brandenburg, on Easter night. The two suspected "right wing extremists", who had been arrested as perpetrators on the strength of their appearance and because they had been there, were helicoptered manacled and blindfolded about 600km to the federal prosecutor at Karlsruhe, all self-righteous whining about "Guantanamo" momentarily forgotten.

All of Germany was in an orgiastic frenzy of "fight the right" Gutmenschentum, the sale of candles and flowers soared.

It then turned out that the suspected perpetrators were no "right-wing extremists" and that they weren't even the perpetrators. In fact, there hadn't been any perpetrators. It turned out, too, that Ermyas Mulugeta, pissed as a newt, had started a brawl and acquired his severe head injuries by falling and hitting the pavement.

An old German joke goes like this: "When I saw you coming, I thought it was you, then I thought it was your brother, and now you are close, I see it's neither you nor your brother."

Sadly, this is no joke.

Did the entire sordid affair teach anybody anything? Apparently not. Since then, a 15-year old boy has been expelled from his school on the strength of a hairdo that LOOKED "rightwing" and other coloured victims of violence did not become darlings of a depraved and rotten-to-the-core media, because in their cases the perpetrators had been youths "with a migration background".

No, the case of Ermyas Mulugeta did NOT teach a lesson indeed. Recently, the local court in Potsdam convicted him of defraud and imposed a fine of some hundred Euro on him. He had lied about his financial circumstances to get legal aid. To pay for the legal charges and to help Mulugeta to get over his traumatic experience, the organisation "Brandenburg Against The Right" (Brandenburg gegen Rechts) had collected about 50,000 Euro. And in an, otherwise amazingly subdued, media, the man from Ethiopia is still described as a "victim of violence".

May 13, 2009

A Fission Fungus' Account from Cologne...

Or: Nazis don't go where they are not welcome

UPDATE Wednesday, May 13:

PI is backpedalling. In an entry headed "The Congress - An Alternative Review", they offer a more nuanced account of the events at Cologne. And before I get a dressing-down from a great height by the mighty Baron Bodissey or some other frightfully important Internet-opinion-maker, I better say that I am not privy to all the private correspondence that is bound to have passed back and forth before this entry was published and that my advice to myself is not to jump to conclusions and just translate some brief excerpts from it.
This is about some invited speakers and their statement, that said a lot about Überfremdung and little of criticism of Islam. [We thematized that phenomenon here.]

About Petra Edelmannova, chairman of Narodni Strana ([Czech] National Party) which clocked up a whopping 0.17% at the last elections, who talked in her speech a lot about democracy and sacred duty to resist, we learn that she intends to push for a „final solution in the gipsy question“.

... Apart from that [so Edelmannova] there wasn't any genocide and the 326 victims [at a certain camp], mostly children, were responsible for their own death because of lack of hygiene.


Of course, the organizers knew all this, they had even been made aware of it by PI. That Edelmannova was graced with a speech at the main rally nevertheless is amazing only if one refuses to recognize the history of Pro Köln. "Gypsies" are targets of their hatred since they were up to their tricks as "Deutsche Liga für Volk und Heimat"...

PI-reader Hufeland writes:

I found it rather disgusting how Beisicht at the rally applauded every sentence of the right-wing extremist Czech Edelmannove (…) With such allies one can not win over voters with traditional conservative vaues...


Somebody like Wilders from Holland knows why he isn't playing court jester for Beisicht and his cronies, (…)


Another guest of honour of the congress, Robert Spieler, chairman of the French Nouvelle Droite Populaire, published on August 28, 2007 an enthusiastic article justifying the Iranian activities to build an atomic bomb, which will be, in contrast to the American ones at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, only be used for determent purposes... In his speech he totally missed the topic in that he decried "political banks" and capitalism. [We thematized the fact that those valiant "conservatives" have nothing against Islam as such here as well.]

Later in the article, they quote the statement of Norbert Gehrig, which originally triggered off this entry.

And now I can only hope that you-know-who-you-are will read this, as he read the original entry, and go again crying at you-know-whom-I-mean's bosom, telling that he hasn't seen any (but ANY!) trace of a Nazi-presence so that you-know-whom-I-mean can then pass it on to me again, and will, again, get no reply from me in that matter.

But hey I've changed my mind! You-know-who-you-are WILL get one, here and now and on my terms: You say: "I have not seen red-white-black flags (the flag of Imperial Germany) at the rally." So what? Norbert Gehrig didn't say A THING about black-white-red FLAGS, he mentioned flag stickers (pin stickers or embroidery) on basecaps. You CAN read? And yes, Imperial Germany had black-white-red flags. Let's say, for argument's sake (And WOW! DO I love this argument!) that there HAVE been people carrying flags of Imperial Germany. By your reasoning they would be innocent, oldfashioned, conservative monarchists, right? By all let this be heard: Should people carry Imperial German (i.e. black-white-red) flags at rallies, they will be invariably, always, without exception and per definitionem ... what? Yes, you've got it: Nazis! Because Nazis always do that. They do that first to yank the state's chain because the Imperial flags are legal, and second because it gives them the oportunity to gather under something that looks as closely as legally possible like a Nazi flag.

Oh! You didn't know that? One mighty opinion maker more shooting his mouth off without knowing A THING? So what else is new? I, for one, have at least learned one thing during this entire sordid affair: Namely that the importance of a blog has nothing (but NOTHING!) to do with the intellectual capacity behind it, and when I have finished lighting a candle at the altar of Sancta Simplicitas I will come back and tell you what I REALLY think.

Seems somebody has taken the razor away from the ape for the time being. But I guess it's still on the loose.

Start of the original article:

Here is a comment by one of the regular commenters at the German blog Politically Incorrect (see my sidebar) on PI's account of the Pro-Köln rally:
#236 Norbert Gehrig (09. Mai 2009 22:03)

Also ich war wohl auf einer anderen Demo in Köln.

Ich lese hier Dinge die ich vollkommen anders erlebt habe..

Schon auf dem Bahnhof in Leverkusen wurden wir Frankfurter von der Front National aufgefordert,Abstand zu halten. Grund : Unser Fahnen- Israel Fahnen.

Auch die Polizei hatte wohl Probleme die Situation einzuordnen und bildete zeitweise eine Schutzkette vor uns und hinter uns. Ich muss die Polizei für Ihr verhalten loben. Umsichtig und vorausschauend. Sie verstanden zwar nicht warum wir da waren (wir im Laufe der Veranstaltung auch immer weniger), wären aber am Schluss der Veranstaltung bereit gewesen, uns separat auszuschleussen. Zu der Zeit war unser Gruppe über 20 Mann stark.

Ich schreibe nicht weiter. Nein. Ich hatte die Augen offen. Sind keinem die vielen Jugendlichen mit den Rot Weis Schwarzen Fahnenstickern auf den Baseballmützen aufgefallen, die Aufdrucke auf den T-shirts?

Macht die Augen auf Leute. Islamkritiker kommen aus den verschiedensten Schichten. Aber National-Sozialisten und ihre Nachfolger zählen nicht dazu. Die NS Elite war Anhänger der Islamfaschisten, der Großmufti von Jerusalem lebte bis 45 in Berlin.

Und Nazis gehen nicht dahin, wo sie nicht willkommen sind.

Front National war laut einer Pro Köln Aktivistin eingeladen. Sie forderte mich auf, nicht als “Spaltpilz” zu wirken.

Wer schwarz weiß rote Farben trägt, vertritt keine demokratische Vereinigung.

Weder mit National- Sozialisten Nachfolgern, noch mit ihren angeblichen Gegnern der Antifa, mit der sie die Ideologie teilen, sich nur nicht über den Weg einig sind, werde ich gemeinsam arbeiten.

Schwarz Rot Gold ist die Farbe der Republik.

Toll war das Zusammentreffen mit der Christlichen Gruppe aus Köln. Aber wir standen gemeinsam zwischen den Fronten.

Pro Köln hat ein gutes Stück Arbeit vor sich. Durch Taten beweisen, dass sie nichts mit diesen Leuten zu tun haben. Durch Taten..

I must have been at a different rally in Cologne.

What I am reading here is totally different from what I have experienced.

At the railway station in Leverkusen [a nearby town] already, our group from Frankfurt were asked by Front National to keep away from them. Reason : Our Israel banners.

The police, too, must have had difficulties to draw the correct conclusions and formed from time to time a chain to shield us. Kudos to the police, they acted diligently and far-seeing. Although they didn't understand why we were there (a view we started to share increasingly as the rally went on), they were willing to lead us safely from the scene after the rally was over ...

... Have none of you noticed the many young people with the black, white and red banner-stickers on their basecaps? The imprints on their t-shirts?

Keep your eyes open, folks! Islam critics come from all walks of life, but National-Socialists and their successors are not among them. The NS-elite followed the Islam-fascists, the grand mufti of Jerusalem used to live in Berlin until 1945.

And Nazis don't go where they are not welcome.

Front National was, according to a Pro Köln activist, invited. She asked me not to be a "fission fungus" [i.e. divisive].

Those who wear black, white and red colours do not stand for democracy.

I will work with neither, National-Socialist successors nor their alleged enemies, the Antifa, with whom they share the ideology and just can't agree on a mutual path.

Black red and gold are the colours of the Rebublic.

Meeting the Christian group from Cologne was just great. But we were caught together between two fronts.

Pro Köln has a lot of work to do. They'll have to prove by their deeds that they have nothing to do with those people. By their deeds.
And now Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer can go and email Norbert Gehrig that he must have seen things that only exist in Charles Whatshisname's imagination and that they only cancelled their attendance because Charles Whatshisname might have drowned their cyber rubber duckie had they attended, same Charles can tell Norbert Gehrig that it was MUCH worse because he says so and that he (N.G.) is a "Euro fascist" for attending at all. No doubt, all the other valiant and eminently knowledgeable experts of Germany, German culture, history and society and the German political scene on the strength of Robert Shaw's performance in "Battle of the Bulge", from B, like Baron Boddissey, to B, like Brussels Journal, can, and hopefully will, enlighten Norbert Gehrig as well.

And all that while we are scared witless about what might happen to us.

May 12, 2009

Berlin Airlift 60 Years Ago


Jewish-Catholic Hermeneutics

A papal visit to Israel would be a mistake, was my first thought when it was announced. But then, the pope is first and foremost head of the Catholic Church and not a former Hitler youth. If it only were that easy! Now he is there and everything goes as expected. Benedict's remarks did not go far enough, there was no apology expressed, something was missing, there had been no mention of the Germans or the Nazis and he uttered not a word of regret. He didn't mention the number six, he used the word "killed" instead of "murdered" and as he had chosen to speak English, not the perpetrator's language, even his German accent was worth a comment. SO bad the son of a piss-poor village policemen didn't learn his English at Eton, Harrow or at least Ampleforth.

And as if that hadn't been enough, yesterday, at an "interfaith meeting" at the Notre Dame church in Jerusalem, a Palestinian cleric/judge/activist grabbed the microphone to deliver a hate-filled barrage against Israel. After hearing the translation of the -- Arabic -- words, the pope walked out. Muslims state that Benedict failed to adequately apologize for using a quote offensive to Islam in his 2006 Regensburg speech and it seems that the pope has a lot of apologizing to do.

Maybe it is inevitable that Benedict XVI is seen as German first and neither as one of the most eminent theologians of our time, nor as the representative of the global Catholic Church who has to understand, and deal with, the interests of all Catholics everywhere. He can not and must not speak first and foremost from a standpont of German guilt. He is speaking, too, for Catholics who have been victims of the Nazis. As the Polish pope with his koran-kissing and shameless shoulder rubbing with Muslim interests was seen as a friend of the Jews because his and the Jewish people were both targets of German eliminatory goals, Benedict is seen as German and German only. People love simple solutions.

There is an interesting discussion here (in German), from which I have paraphrased.

More on Pope Benedict for example here, here and here.

May 10, 2009

Don't they have any shame?

I am posting a couple of pictures from the Pro-Köln/Anti-Pro-Köln rallies. They are in no particular order and they speak for themselves. I have kept my comments as brief as possible, too.

Just one general remark: A lot of them are from leftist websites. What appalls me most, is the disgusting obvious smugness that leaves no doubt that those people, preposterous, simpering cartoon characters at best, violent thugs most of them, seriously think they are proud and valiant "resistance fighters".

"Today we're sending a signal that democrats stand united against right-wing radicalism, racism and agitation," said Reinhard Bütikofer, former head of the Green party who attended the spectacle, while Mayor Fritz Schramma stated that the peaceful protests by "residents" showed that the city is "open and tolerant."

Don't they have any shame?

Resident jeweler's shop, anticipating open and tolerant protesters.

Patriotic residents, proudly displaying their German identity cards.

Anti-Nazi in open and tolerant anti-totalitarian outfit.

The imprint says: "German Muslim -- Here at home -- That is good" (the latter in the local Cologne dialect).

And more Colognophone residents.

Aftermath of a peaceful, open and tolerant anti-Nazi-rally performed by residents.

Open and tolerant anti-Nazi-residents rallying.

Open and tolerant... oh well whatever.

More open and tolerant dimwits whatevers.

Unthreatening, peaceful, open and tolerant anti-Nazi-residents rallying.

Open and tolerant residents against Nazis.

The agenda.

Peaceful resident protesting Nazi-presence.

Non-resident pro-Pro Köln protester.

"Hardcore" Pro-Köln protesters with what looks like Filip Dewinter on the right.

A link to this entry will, in the future, replace the boring, lengthy, repetitive (but obviously necessary because most people are unable to think outside "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" categories) "disclaimer", saying that I do not endorse the treatment of Pro Köln by the authorities.

The Emperor Has No Clothes, The Empress Even Less

There is more about the wishful-thinking-science at VFR. One of the commenters says:
...this is not a serious scientist, but a women who does not quite have control over her personal desires.
A true, if pleonastic, statement. And exactly what will happen, if women are let loose on science.

Loose Apes with Razors

It goes on and on and on and on. Let them side with their own worst enemies. Fine! But they are playing, like a loose ape that has somehow grabbed a razor, with OUR future as well. This time it's at Gates of Vienna. My opening phrase refers to an earlier comment of Baron Bodissey:

May I paraphrase your words, Baron?

You are not privy to all the private correspondence that passes back and forth between German Islam critics. My advice to you is not to jump to conclusions regarding an unanimous stance of those behind "Politically Incorrect", or indeed, all German "anti-Jihadists" in the matter of Pro-Köln.

When will you (plural) finally understand that there ARE NO "conservative" parties in Germany? If you still want to go to bed with them, that's fine, but you ought at least to know what you may catch and for heaven's sake stop selling those guys as what they clearly aren't to unsuspecting Americans. You are playing, like the proverbial ape with the razor, with OUR, the Germans' future. That said, when will you (plural) learn that anything (but ANYthing!) with "Pro" followed by something German is per definitionem bound to belong to the vilest America-hating faction?

And now comes the sadly mandatory disclaimer: Whatever Pro-Köln is and whatever all the other "Pro" groups are, they are legal and their treatment by the authorities is shameful, to say the least. However, it doesn't make them any less miscast as saviours of our Western culture.

The Israel-banners at "Pro" rallies are largely due to Stefan Herre, the founder of Politically Incorrect, who is as nice as a guy can be, but who doggedly refuses to see the "Pros" as what they are. Maybe that is some more information to which you are not privy. Well, now you are.

By the way, I am published at the English section of "Politically Incorrect", just to make clear where I stand.

May 09, 2009

Obama: Historical Revisionist

This was posted today by Grant Jones at IBA. I re-post it in full here because I wish I had written it.

Interestingly, immediately before I went to IBA and discovered the article, I had finished this comment to a recent previous entry.

This coming June, President Mountebank is planning yet another apology tour. This time he will include those victims of World War II, the Germans:
But he will be aware of the sensibilities of his German hosts before the D-Day commemoration and by travelling to Dresden — a city destroyed by ferocious Allied bombing in February 1945 — Mr Obama will also acknowledge how Germany suffered during the Second World War.
In 2003, Anne Applebaum wrote an article on how the Germans now think of themselves as victims (if not the victims) of the Second World War, seriously. The centerpiece of the Kraut pity-patter is the bombing of Dresden. She notes that on a visit to Germany, there was not one, but two books on the best-seller list with this thesis. As she states in "Germans as Victims":
One of the authors used the word "crematoria" to describe the burning buildings, described the Allied bomber pilots as the equivalents of Nazi police units that murdered Jews and concluded by wondering whether Winston Churchill, who ordered the bombings, ought to have been condemned as a war criminal.

It is my guess that these things are related: It cannot be an accident that a wave of unusually virulent, even irrational anti-Americanism has peaked just as Germans have begun, for the first time since the war, to talk about their past in a new way. Germany is reassessing its place in Europe, its role in the world, its postwar subordination to the United States. Some of the recalcitrance we've seen in Germany during the past year has been genuine opposition to the war in Iraq and genuine dislike of President Bush and what he is thought to stand for. But some reflects a deeper change. Germans, or at least some of them, no longer want to apologize for the 20th century. Germans, or at least some of them, no longer want to accept the political leadership of the United States.
Just look at the bestseller lists for proof.
"Virulent, even irrational anti-Americanism," There's a band-wagon President Mountebank will happily climb aboard. It is not a coincidence that the Age of Obama is also the age of militant, self-righteous evil. In his latest column in Commentary, Mark Steyn reports on how Holocaust Memorial Day 2008 was observed in what had once been the civilized city of London:
On Holocaust Memorial Day 2008, a group of just under 100 people—Londoners and a few visitors —took a guided tour of the old Jewish East End ... Those few dozen London Jews considered themselves at ’ome. But they weren’t. Not any more. The tour was abruptly terminated when the group was pelted with stones, thrown by “youths”—or to be slightly less evasive, in the current euphemism of Fleet Street, “Asian” youths. “If you go any further, you’ll die,” they shouted, in between the flying rubble.
As Steyn further reports, according to polls 62% of Germans “are sick of all the harping on about German crimes against the Jews.”

Next week, President Mountebank will be groveling in Egypt. There is no mention in the press release (I can't call this a "news" story) on whether our president will also be visiting Israel. While the Zero has the time for his ongoing campaign of groveling, there just is not any time to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister. President Mountebank's chronic apologizing for America should be no surprise. This is because he is a tiermondist. From Dreams from My Father:
I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Frantz Fanon, eurocentrism, and patriarchy. When we ground out our cigarettes in the hallway carpet or set our stereos so loud that the walls began to shake, we were resisting bourgeois society's stifling constraints. We weren't indifferent or careless or insecure. We were alienated.
The typical response to this Portrait of the Future Messiah as Marxist Poseur is that he has since grown-up. I don't think so. His so-called values have not changed one iota. President Mountebank is obviously still alienated from American society and very, very angry. Meanwhile, the Jew-haters are uniting and marching. With President Mountebank, they have found an enabler. All they have to do is play the "neo-colonialism" victim card. As Mark Steyn noted, after Israel and Europe, we're next on the menu.

Crossposted at The Dougout

May 08, 2009

Run for The Hills from Altruism

I just came across an entry at Ilana Mercer's blog. So Israelis will sue the NATO for the 1999 air strikes on Serbia. From the quoted BBC-report:
Almagor Director Meir Indor told the media in Israel that the lawsuit would be completed shortly.

He confirmed that the Serbian case might open a Pandora's Box, which could make certain individuals think twice before deciding to accept any lawsuits that the Palestinians filed against Israel.

“We see this as a case highlighting the double standards of Europeans who are accusing Israel of war crimes, while at the same time, those very same countries, as part of NATO, committed crimes that were a lot worse,“ Indor said.

He stressed that every European NATO member-state would be mentioned and that the suit would be filed in every country that decided to file similar actions against Israel for war crimes recently committed either in the aforesaid case, or, more recently, during the Israeli offensive in Gaza at the turn of the year.

“Even now Israeli Army generals cannot travel to the UK for fear of being arrested the moment they set foot in the airport,“ said the Almagor president.
That this was soon called in the comment section "a self-serving act by Israel" was not all that amazing. As well as anything, from battle to village skirmish, is called a "massacre" if Jews have won it, any action that might be actually beneficial to Israel is called "self-serving", carrying a heavily negative overtone. Mercer replies:
Sure, this is a self-serving action on the part of the Israelis. Altruism is overrated–and, at times, wrong-headed. You serve others best by serving yourself first and foremost. Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand and all that stuff.
True, but I don't think that one even needs to pull out Adam Smith. It has always concerned me that self-interest carries such a negative implication, so let me digress from this specific case. I am German and was brought up in the, thoroughly German, spirit, that one has to do everything only out of the most noble of reasons. Specifically financial gain is heavily pooh-poohed (and as heavily begrudged) here and we are probably the only breed on earth who are taking the assessment: "He is a (good) businessman" as a negative one. Words like "Innigkeit" or "schwärmerisch" are, typically, untranslatable (the standard, and most non-apropos, translations would be "heartiness" and "enthusiastic") because they are weighed down with a wealth of late 18th and 19th Century German literature and culture, incomprehensible to anybody who hasn't gone through the agonising experience of a German higher education. Germans take everything seriously and to the bitter end. English Romanticism culminated in Beatrix Potter, German Romanticism in the death camps. So I came to the conclusion long ago that the altruists, the idealists, the romantics and Romanticists are those to avoid by a wide margin. If somebody says he's doing something "for a cause", I run for the hills.

May 8, 1945

Never forget.

Three Cheers to Mandy Rice-Davies

Like the Al Guardian (and probably countless left-leaning media more) the Huffington Post lets another definitely unbiased witness comment on the sensational, groundbreaking, eye-opening, touching, wrong-righting, moving Gallup poll. Kamran Pasha, a "Hollywood filmmaker and the author of Mother of the Believers, a novel on the birth of Islam as told by Prophet Muhammad's wife Aisha" (we must get that book to see what a nine-year old girl has to say about marital bliss with a quinquegenarian) informs us:
The report, The Gallup Coexist Index 2009: A Global Study of Interfaith Relations, is the first annual report on the state of religious relations in nations around the world. The report contained some remarkable findings that show a troubling gap between how European Muslims see themselves, and what others assume about them.

French Muslims, for example, identify with France as much as other French do (52%/55%), although they identify much more with their religion (58%) than the general French public (23%). So for French Muslims, their religion and their national loyalty are complementary, not mutually exclusive. But their religious identification makes their patriotism suspect to their neighbors.

Similar results were noted in Germany, where 71% of German Muslims said Muslims were loyal to Germany, while only 39% of their neighbors trusted Muslim loyalty to the state. What makes this finding even more ironic is that 40% of German Muslims actively identify with Germany, while only 32% of the general German population did. So Muslims in Germany not only see themselves as more patriotic than others credit them for, they are more loyal to Germany than other Germans!
This would be hilarious, weren't it so damaging. One could ask now WHY, for example, are the French specifically sceptical about their Muslim neighbours? A possible answer would be: because French Muslims tend to riot violently. And yes, I am sure a Muslim Hollywood-Schmock knows exactly how a German student with a broken jaw feels after having his designer-sweat removed by his Muslim classmates. How intolerant not to appreciate being called "victim" and "potato", standard invectives patriotic German Muslims are fond of hurling toward their autochthonal compatriots. What is really remarkable about that 39% figure is that it is so low. But then, everything NOT to be called "Nazi" or "racist".

When almost all is said and done, only one thing remains to be said about the Muslim accounts in that sensational, groundbreaking, eye-opening, touching, wrong-righting, moving Gallup poll, a thing, which would close the "troubling gap between how European Muslims see themselves, and what others assume about them" once and for all: They WOULD say that, wouldn't they?

About Mandy Rice-Davies, the immortal hooker.

A couple of minutes and some reading later, I'd like to add that statisticians are calling something like this sensational, groundbreaking, eye-opening, touching, wrong-righting, moving Gallup poll GIGO.

Muslims: beyond the caricature

A survey about the attitudes of Muslims in the West reveals a loyal community, keen on integration – far from the usual stereotypes, and specifically in Britain. You don't believe me? Fine, but it's not me who said so, but somebody else with impeccable credentials, namely Shelina Zahra Janmohamed (picture left). Shelina Zahra Janmohamed's credentials, mind you, are not just appearing on her head, but on a regular basis in the Al Guardian as well, among them gems of journalist excellence like Let Muslim women speak ("Every man that is held up as an example has a woman by his side ... who is exemplary in her own right: Adam with Eve, Rachael with Moses, Mohamed with his wife Khadijah [and several others, among them a child]") or Beyond the bounds of religion ("Muslims should see Gaza not as a tragedy for the Islamic world, but for all human beings"). Her interpretation of a recent Gallup poll is equally up to any journalistic quality standard:
According to a Gallup poll released yesterday, only half of the UK population identifies itself as very strongly British. And in Germany only 32% of the general public feels that way about being German. Who then identifies most strongly with their nation, reaching a whopping 77% in the UK? Muslims.
Given the country Britain has become, this doesn't appear entirely improbable. For example with a Justice Secretary (Jack Straw) who had called for a redefinition of Englishness and hinted that the "global baggage of empire" was linked to soccer violence by "racist and xenophobic white males" and that the English "propensity for violence" was used to subject Ireland, Scotland and Wales by that "potentially very aggressive" English race.

Picture: Getty Images
Traces of the strong identification of Muslims with Britain in London 2005.

Or with a government that is pressing ahead legislation aimed at criminalising non-PC jokes, with a maximum punishment of up to seven years' prison, with a 10-year-old child having been arrested and brought before a judge for having called an 11-year-old "Paki" and "Bin Laden" in a playground tiff at a primary school already. The other boy had called him a skunk and a Teletubby, but that was alright. With a Navy, that has installed a satanist chapel in a warship to accommodate a satanist crew member. Satanist paraphernalia is also supplied to prison inmates, and talking about prisons, those have been quite a while ago already equipped with new toilets so Muslim inmates don’t have to use them while facing Mecca. And, not to forget, with a member of the upper house who gets his voice heard:
When I found out that Geert Wilders was planning to come to Britain and that Baroness Cox and Lord Pearson wanted to show his film, I wrote to the Home Office, the leader of the House of Lords and Black Rod to say that his presence would lead to the incitement of religious and racial hatred, which constitutes a public order offence.
Yes, taking all that into consideration, it is really not all that amazing that "a whopping 77% [of Muslims] in the UK" identify with this -- with their -- nation.

Proud Brits in full fly: Lord Ahmed demonstrating his strong identification with Britain.

May 07, 2009

Importance they don't possess and attention they don't deserve

Two weeks ago, I wrote about Bruce Bawer, whom I had only then discovered:
I do not agree with every detail of Bawer's analysis [of the European Islam critics scene], for my taste he uses the epithet "fascist" a bit too liberally..., yet his is a refreshingly realistic view of the European status quo after all the chafing I did to myself writing about those shady appearances among European "Islam critics" (for example here, here and here) who are getting a free "God bless, he was a patriot" thrown after them on their way to hell by unsuspecting Americans. I haven't come across Bawer before and call me a bigot, but as soon as a writer thematizes his own sexuality (which will be INVARIABLY homosexuality) all alarm bells start ringing. I have a strong feeling that, if I dig deeper into the matter, he will emerge as just an upmarket version of pain-in-the-proverbial extraordinaire Irshad Manji and her ilk, who first and foremost see Islam as something that is raining on their homosexual love parade, as is Christianity, which they therefore hold in similar contempt, and who refuse to see that liberalism and secularism, both as "tolerant" towards Muslims and Muslim immigration as towards gays, are part of and not the solution to their problem.
Yesterday, he wrote at his blog:
Yes, “Dutch libertinism.” The words took my breath away. During the last few days (while, as it happened, I was visiting Amsterdam) I haven’t been able to get them out of my mind. For a self-styled anti-jihadist – who, by the way, I first met three years ago at the Pim Fortuyn Memorial Conference in The Hague – to refer in this way to a man who sacrificed his life for human liberty is, in my view, not only incomprehensible but profoundly despicable. This is, after all, precisely the sort of language that Dutch Muslim leaders hurled at Fortuyn during his lifetime. And in the present case the words were plainly aimed not only at Fortuyn but at me – a writer who, like Fortuyn, that great martyr for freedom, is gay.
The reason for this emotional turmoil? An acquaintance had stated that
Wilders stands for "Western values," while Fortuyn stood only for – get ready for this – "Dutch libertinism."
While that is certainly an unfair comparison and misguided assessment, I fail to understand the epiphanious quality this statement apparently had for Bower. And what does the fact that he (Bower) is homosexual have to do with anything here? Sorry to say he sounds just like another post-menopausal old queen for whom the world rotates around his dick sexual orientation, one of those who are claiming importance they simply don't possess and attention they don't deserve. Alas, they get it. For them, their sexual orientation, sex, is not just one of many aspects of human existence, it is the only, the defining, the identity-founding one and one can't help asking oneself now whether this defender-of-Western-values' loyalty to Pim Fortuyn would be quite that noticeable had the latter NOT been homosexual as well.

Seems I was right about that man, although the fact doesn't please me.

No Freedom of Religion for Grandma Obama

Radio Vatikan reports today:
The Muslim grandmother of the US-american President Barack Obama, Sarah Obama, intends to convert to the Christian faith. This was maintained by a pastor of the Seventh-Day-Adventist Free Church in Kisumu, Kenia. Sarah Obama assured him that she intends to be baptised this very month. His congregation, he says, is prepared for the ceremony.

According to the news agency Apic, the local Muslim congregation deplores this approach of the Adventists. The Christian-Muslim relationships are under strain now because of the speculations about Sarah Obama's conversion.
Awmegawd! "Christian-Muslim relationships under strain"! Call the Police! Alert the media! But seriously, so what else is new? Everything but the self-disbandment of the Christian faith will put "Christian-Muslim relationships under strain". The real question is: Can Sarah become First Grandmother now?

May 06, 2009

The Emperor's Clothes


Two comments at VFR caught my eyes:
So now we have a manufactured ancient Negro to show whites that they are not even the legitimate heirs of their own lands.
Yes, that may be a possible implication. In fact, the discussion about the legitimate ownership of land is a specifically hot topic here because of the ongoing discussion about the lost eastern territories of the German Reich, which has been projected to "Palestine". But frankly, it didn't occur to me that any sane person would use that argument 35,000 years after the case.

I suppose it's almost too obvious to remark on, but the subtext here seems to be "your ancestors were black, so you shouldn't mind your descendents being so, too."
Yes, it IS that obvious and yes, it totally and utterly escaped me. The emperor DOES wear clothes, after all.

Start of yesterday's original entry:

Larence Auster writes at VFR:
Talking about scientific hype in service to fashionable liberalism, here, as reported by the Telegraph, is a British forensic scientist's reconstruction of the head and face of the first Cro-Magnon European of 35,000 years ago, which he created using fossilized fragments of a skull and jawbone found in a cave. But before you click on the link to see the full entry page where I've placed the photo, guess what the first European "really" looked like, just guess.

The first modern European: Forensic artist Richard Neave
reconstructed the face based on skull fragments from 35,000 years ago

Then see the attractive white female anthropologist and BBC presenter Alice Roberts looking with deep satisfaction and self-satisfaction at this consummate creation of politically correct science:

Alice Roberts contemplating the bust of Homo ...
europeansis. 'I look at that face and think "I'm actually looking
at the face of somebody from 40,000 years ago"', she says

Oh, the joy, the bliss! It's as good as having a black U.S. president! Give that woman a cigarette. This is the one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The sheer shameless obviousness of these liberals, completely unembarrassed to reveal what they're really about.
I guessed and I was right. It wasn't all that difficult to guess, though.

The question remains what the implications of those findings are supposed to be, granted, for argument's sake, that they are true. So our ancestors in the mists of history didn't look like us. How very unexpected. They bore a vague resemblance to what we would identify now as a black person. So? Does that elevate the black race in any way? If yes, it seems to go over those scientists' heads that it is racist and demeaning to imply that it lends kudos to the black race having been the ancestors of white Europeans, but nobody will ever accuse them of thinking more far than their immediate demagogic goal. Do we owe blacks increased respect now for that performance? Why? By what logic? If yes, don't we then owe increased respect to everything further down on the ladder of phylogeny now? Oh we are SO proud to be derived from the protozoon! And are those non-racists really not twigging that one could draw the conclusion now that the white race has, in 35,000 years ... continued to develop?

May 05, 2009

America's Greatest Strength: Feminism

Under the feministically correct header "Islamic Gender Apartheid" Phyllis mother-women give up whatever ghost of a unique and human self they may have when they 'marry' and raise children Chesler has another hot flush power charge and writes once more about the beauty of feminism the evil of Islam.
Recently, a Pakistani-Muslim man beheaded his Pakistani-Muslim wife in Buffalo. Beheading takes great strength and planning. [As is proven by the Candian bus-beheader or that at a campus cafe at Virginia Tech. And what does this have, even if it were true, to do with anything?] The wife’s crime? After being beaten and living in fear for years, she finally dared to leave him. More: she dared to keep the children and the home. An order of protection forced him out of his castle. [Aren't we sounding a wee little bit spiteful here, Professor Chesler?] In Pakistan he would simply kill her for such insubordination. [So what did he do in America?] He would not be prosecuted. Here, American feminists and domestic violence workers refused to see this as an honor killing [Wow! Thank you, feminism!], refused to understand that a beheading is related to radical fundamentalist Islam and jihad, and insisted that if they did so, it would render them vulnerable to being called “racists.” [They insisted on WHAT exactly?]

Although America is far from perfect, it is still a more democractic, more lawful, more feminist [Yes, she really said that...], and more compassionate [Thanks to feminism, no doubt!] country than is any Muslim country anywhere in the world—no matter how charming or hospitable its citizens may also be. [Chesler is STILL apologizing that she is no better than all the other dumb cows who marry a Muslim and are then, surprise surprise, less than charmed with things in his native land.] The same is true of tiny, imperfect, amazing, and much maligned Israel. It stands head and shoulders above its Arab and Muslim neighbors in terms of human rights. This is one of the reasons it is so demonized.

To my sorrow, many western academics, feminist activists, [How does that go together with the above statement? Are they not "real" feminists, similar to those peaceful followers of Islam vs. Islamists?] and mainstream journalists actively resist this point of view.They claim that human bomb-terrorism, hate speech, child suicide bombers, honor killings masterminded, funded, and carried out by Muslims, have absolutely nothing to do with Islam blah blah yabber yabber yack yack...
Like those other "Islam critics" who see Islam either as a threat to their homosexual lifestyle, to the preservation of the white race or who disapprove not just of Islam but of any religion, specifically Christianity*, this bumbling smatteress**, whose writing does certainly not take great strength and planning but who rather makes up her shit as she goes along, sees it as something that is less-than-tolerant towards feminism. God help us, if THAT is what will supposedly save us from Islam.

* Interestingly, whereas the first two reasons to be against Islam never overlap, at least it has escaped me so far, each of the first two individually and the third one almost always DO overlap.

** This word is, obviously, one of my home-made creations. It is derived from "to smatter".

May 03, 2009

Sawing Away at the Roots of Our Culture

A couple of days ago we dicussed, rather flippantly, the case of Carrie Prejean at our other blog. Carrie, "Miss California", was probably ousted from further beauty queen glories on the strength of a non-politically correct reply to one of those bizarre questions presumably meant to give those lewd spectacles a touch of "class" and seriousness they clearly don't possess. As if those girls were contemplating a roadmap to world peace while trying to find a handbag to match their ankle bracelet. But bitching is not enough, so let's get serious: That girl is attending a Christian college, or so her bio says. I wouldn't put it past the organizers to have trapped her deliberately, including, but not limited to, the choice of that specific "judge". An American friend says:
Donald Trump, the hotel magnate, runs that pageant. He got interviewed about how that particular judge got selected and why was she the only asked a highly charged question on this issue. I believe they did lay a trap for her. About all he came up with was "well, she wasn't guaranteed to win" and a whole lot double speak.

MSNBC a 'news' organization went after Miss California This wasn't a pundit, mind you. This was a so-called 'journalist.'

Keith Olberman another MSNBC "journalist" and a guest columnist from the Village Voice, an openly homosexual paper, went after Miss California in the most vile, personally denigrating terms possible. Remember, this was broadcast on prime time news. Also catch the interview by Laura Ingraham where the feminist comes right out and happily says "it is open season" on people like Carrie Prejean. Watch both videos then tell me who the intolerant, bigoted, haters are. Ms. Prejean or her opposition?

Could you imagine if two conservative journalist would have said anything halfway similar about any woman? They'd be fired.

We are rapidly reaching a point in this country where to hold a non-PC position, no matter how heartfelt and non-threatening, will be viewed and treated as a crime. I also believe Schuster, Olbermann, and the two old queens are misogynists pure and simple.
As well as I thought until five or six years ago that Islam is basically and potentially compatible with our Western culture, I thought four or five years ago that the nice, inoffensive, middle-class gays living together in a monogamous partnership, attending Catholic Mass and receiving the body of the Lord I knew and who kept themselves to themselves, stood for gays generally. THEY DO NOT. Homosexuals in political positions tend to form "rope teams" and they are EXTREMELY power conscious. Also, theirs is not just an alternative sexual orientation between two consenting adults, it is a way of life. The world rotates around their dick and the world has duly to pay tribute to that. They are, like Islam, creeping in every nook and cranny of our life, dispossessing what is there. With those disgusting "gay pride"- and "love" parades, with all their strident demands and whining about "discrimination" and with incidents like the ousting of Carrie Prejean, with intimidation and discrimination towards those who dare not to consent 100%, they are yanking our chains. And all one needs to know about the disgusting hypocrisy of the left is that feminists are not going, as they ought to, after beauty pageants, but after that girl.

It will never cease to amaze me how those pageant organisers can encourage young girls and women to look and act like expensive hookers at least ten years older than they are, yet are hypocratically disgusted when the same girls show a less than saintly behaviour. OOOO!!! Miss Muskrat Flats didn't stop at flaunting her breasts implants covered by a one-piece-swimsuit at a beauty pageant, but went the logical way and did porn! How unexpected! How shocking! And now they DO have a girl who DOES stick to the "nice girl" image they so crave, her name is excrement because she dared to express an opinion based on a Christian worldview.

And that's what it really is about, isn't it?

The friend and I discussed, too, the fact that beauty pageants had not been always like that and I remember that beauty queens decades ago were seriously beautiful and not at all cheap or whorish. The same applies to "supermodels". They have not always been anorexic bimboes, and a lot of them were from "good families". I guess they just mirror their times and age.

Maybe The Evil Style Queen will have to say something about that later.